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A father’s prayer on father’s day

Loving Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

you have willed that as a father in the family

I  may mirror your love for your children

you’ve given me this noble task as a special

and unique one for me

I give you thanks and praise for this.

Help me to continue in this vocation

and to carry it out well.

Open my heart to your words

that I  may know the sound of your voice

in a world filled with distractions.

May I  hear your call to live lives

of Christian service.

Grant me, too, a generous heart

to open my arms everyday to be at your service.

May your tender care keep me and my whole family  safe,

especially as we all carry out our special mission in life.

Loving God, as a father, I pray for my children,

help them to know your presence at all times

and to be open to the promptings of your Spirit

who is one with you and your Son now and forever. Amen.

Children’s prayer for their Father

Heavenly Father, I thank you

for my father, and for our home.

Bless him always.

Help him to love you always.

Help him to grow in love to serve one another

as Jesus your Son taught us to do.

Give him strength to do what is right today, and to do to others as

he would want them to do to himself.

I thank you, Lord, for my father and guardian.

Help me to realize the depth of his love for me, so often left unspoken,

Help me appreciate his great

and continuous sacrifices for us his children.

His love and care reflect your divine care;

His strength, your power;

His understanding, your wisdom.

Bless him Lord, with  your peace

Keep him safe everyday

and keep him always in your company. Amen.

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